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JRM Nurse Consultants

We focus on the injured worker receiving appropriate and timely treatment for their injury with a safe return back to work.

We are well versed in Workers’ Compensation and disease management for both chronic and home care. As nurse consultants, we understand that a person’s health involves many factors. We work with injured workers, employers, work comp insurance companies, disease management patients, their families, insurance companies, long-term care facilities, and primary/specialty care physicians.

For the Employer

We bridge the gap of communication for a safe return to work when light duty is ordered and accommodating restrictions while the injured worker is receiving treatment leading to a full duty release.

Are You an Employer?

For Workers’ Comp Carrier

Our focus is on medically managing the injured worker’s medical treatment allowing the claims adjustor the time to focus on the claim portion of the injured worker’s file.

Are You a Workers’ Comp Carrier?

For Physicians

We assist in facilitating the documentation needed when the injured worker is treated so their claim is paid, and proper paperwork is provided to the employer. The nurse works as a liaison with the treating doctor to help facilitate new orders and treatment authorization.

Are You a  Physician Working with Work Comp

For Injured Workers & Disease Management Clients

Focusing on education and the well-being of the clients, we strive to ensure the patient is compliant in their treatment and medication management decreasing hospital readmission rates…


Ask about our Early Intervention Program

This program creates the channel for the claims adjustor or employer to refer an injured worker as soon as the injury occurs. This allows the nurse to direct the care immediately to the appropriate facility that can be established based on the employer’s location to obtain the diagnosis and plan of care right away. This includes diagnostic testing, referral to a specialist or treatment, including therapy.

Rosie Moore - JRM Nurse Consultant

Rosie Moore

JRM Nurse Consultant


Did you know co-morbidities
can affect your claim?

Some of the co-morbidities that can affect a claim include Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity, and many other chronic illnesses. Having a nurse consultant can bring an understanding of the gap between co-morbidities and your work-related injury.

Diabetes 11.6%
Hypertension 48.1%
Obesity 39.6%
Chronic Illness 59%

United States averages as reported from the cdc.gov & chronicdisease.org websites.

We Make The Difference!

Whether a slip and fall, heavy machinery, motor vehicle, repetitive, exposure or even presumptive injury, JRM is here to help.